Saturday, January 31, 2009

Head wrap pics...more to come.

Nothing special. Just wanted to post some pics of me with a headwrap. I wear them about 50% of the time. I wore them for the full year that I was engaged to my husband. I don't know why other than the fact that I God told me too. I didn't question it I just did it. I had to do it one other time to keep my hair vanity in check. I also wear wraps when I go to the movies. I am so paranoid about putting my head where other people's heads have been. I will post more pics later on when I have time. I hope you enjoy these. Y'all have Thandi to thank, because she was the one that told me she "felt strange reading the blog of someone she couldn't see" or something similar. LOL So Thandi, these are dedicated to you. LOL


Titus 2 Thandi said...

You're terrible!! LOL!!That's such a cool way to wrap 'up' Hope when the time comes, I'll be able to do it too!!

new2locs said...

I likey! Too cute!

Evelyn Parham said...

Your wrap is so cute! I love the material. :)

Earth Mother Guidance said...

Thank y'all. I will try to take more pics soon.

Kay exquisite said...

I love the way you wrapped your hair, How do you wrap it that way?

Earth Mother Guidance said...

Thank you. I don't know how to explain it. I will try to do step by step pictures when I get the chance. How about that? It's really simple though.

Kay exquisite said...

that would be great thx..

Earth Mother Guidance said...

Kay Exquisite,
I just have to get some batteries for my camera and we will be in business. I have to recruit my husband to help me take the pictures.