This will be really short. The other day I had a client that had a protective style in for some time. Of course when we removed the style there was a lot of shedding, because she hadn't been combing her hair over the past few months.
Anyhoo, my drain got clogged. Guess what I put in the drain last night to clear it. You guessed it. Relaxer. I got up this morning and ran some water in the sink and it was clear. It's like I have a brand new sink. Thank you creamy crack. For once it saved me some money. Oh and by the way if any of you use curling irons. If you heat them up on the low setting and apply relaxer it will clean them like new.
Girl, you are so funny, but fortunately it does work!
Wow. If I was still rocking a perm and read that I'd be like Oh HELL No !! Perms no more!!! LOL
Stop IT!!! LOL, for real? Damn.
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